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Dialogue Conversation

Below are all the properties that are on the Dialogue_Conversation script.

Property Name Description
id The ID for this conversation. This must be unique.
name The name of the character. This will show up in the speaker element.
dialogue_trigger The dialogue trigger for this character. It's important that the dialogue trigger is a child of the character as the system will look at the parent element and attach the indicator to it.
repeat_dialogue Turn off if you do not want the character to repeat their dialogue.
disable_player_look Disables the player look when the dialogue is active.
disable_player_movement Disables the player movement when the dialogue is active.
disable_player_mount Disables the player mount while the dialogue is active.
disable_player_crouch Disables the player crouch while the dialogue is active.
disable_player_jump Disables the player jump while the dialogue is active.
enable_ui_interact If enabled, the player can interact with UI elements.
enable_ui_cursor If enabled, the player will be able to see and use their cursor.
hide_reticle If enabled, then the reticle will be hidden while the dialogue is active.
call_event The event to call when this conversation becomes active.
show_indicator If enabled, then an indicator above the characters head will show to the player as a visual way to let them know they can interact with this character.
indicator_offset The offset of the indicator.
indicator_template The indicator template to use for this character.
random If enabled, then it will pick a random entry while respecting conditions.
animation_stance The animation stance for this NPC.
animation_stance_playback_rate The playback rate of the stance animation.
animation_stance_loop If true then the animation stance will loop.
animation The animation to play for this NPC.
animation_loop If true then the animation will loop or go back to it's stance animation.
animation_playback_rate The playback rate of the animation.


It's not a good idea to use an animation stance and animation for the NPC, as the animation will override the stance.