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Call Events

Call events is a way for you to use the Events API to connect to an event. This is useful if you need to do perform something when a player opens a dialogue, or an entry is displayed.

The call_event property supports infinite parameters that will be passed to your handler, the first parameter passed to your handler is the object for either Conversation, Entry, or Choice.

So for example, the call_event property can be set like so where the first part of the string is the event name.


So in this case the string my_event is the event that will be broadcasted too, and anything after the semi colon is the parameters that will be passed to your handler.


Events.Connect("my_event", function(obj, str, a, b, c)
    print(str, a, b, c)


This a good way to do something for specific entries in the NPCs conversation tree. For example, you could play a certain animation for one of the entries.