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Player Callouts - Creating Callouts

Creating your own custom callouts is really easy. Follow the steps below and see the list of options to see how to set and customise your callouts.

  1. To be able to create or remove callouts, you need to deinstance the Social Kit - Callouts template in your hierarchy.

  2. Expand the Callouts folder. In here you will see all the default callouts that come with the component. You can delete or edit the existing ones, and even add more.

  3. A simple way to add more is to just duplicate the Callout_Data script and then modify it with your callout data.

Here are a list of what the settings do.

Setting Description
key_press The key press that will show this callout.
text The text that will appear in the callout.
width The width of the callout.
height The height of the callout.
border_color The color of the border around the callout.
background_color The background color of the callout.
text_color The color of the text in the callout.
align_text_center If checked, the text in the callout will be aligned center, otherwise it will be aligned left.
text_height The height of the text box. Useful to adjust the text position so it appears more central in the bubble.
text_size The size of the text.