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Creating Perks

Creating and testing perks is very straight forward. Manticore has built Creators some nice tools to handle all of this for us.

Perk Manager

The Perk Manager window is where you will be managing your perks. You can open this window from the Window menu.


For a perk to be enabled, the project must be published. You do not need to republish your project to enable the perk. Just set the perk to Active.


It's a good idea to enable the option View Only Perks in Current Project. This is handy so that you don't accidentally modify a perk from a different project.

Here is an example of creating a donation type perk that can be repeated by the player.


Give your perk name something that is readable, as this will be displayed to the player in game.

Perk Testing

Testing perks locally is extremely important, and this is made very easy for us using the the Perk Testing window. You can open this window from the Window menu.

The Perk Testing window allows you to control which local players has perks. So for example, if you want to test a permanent perk for a player, you can enable it in the window, and when entering play mode, that player will have that perk given to them. An extremely useful tool.

Perk Properties

To be able to use a component that requires a perk, you will need to drag and drop your perk onto the property of that component. If you don't do this then the Event Log will give you a warning.


cannot set perk with given NetReference, incorrect NetReference type

If you see this warning, or a custom warning setup by the content creator, then this means you are missing a perk reference on a property.

Simply drag the perk from the Perk Manager onto the property in the hierarchy.