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Animation Functions

UI Tween comes with easy to use functions that do all the heavy lifting for you. A custom tweening library under the hood handles all the complex stuff so you can focus on making nice animations.

All functions support an easing argument which can either an enum from a list of easing equations supplied by UI Tween, or a Curve. See the Easings page for a full list of all supported types, and Curves for information on how to use a Curve with animations.

The UI Tween API supports animation chaining if you prefer to have animations grouped together per obj.

UI_Tween.progress(level_bar, .65, 2, UI_Tween.Out_Bounce).fade_out(level_bar)

In the above example, instead of putting the fade_out call on a new line, it can be chained on. Chaining doesn't mean it will create a sequence, both animations in the example code above will run at the same time.

If you need to delay animations between each other, then spawn a task to prevent blocking.

    UI_Tween.progress(level_bar, .65, 2, UI_Tween.Out_Bounce)

In the above example, the progress bar will be tweened, then 5 seconds later, it will fade out.

Button Color

UI_Tween.button_color(obj, from, to, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.button_color(obj, obj:GetButtonColor(), Color.RED, 2)

Button Hover Color

UI_Tween.button_hover_color(obj, from, to, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.button_hover_color(obj, obj:GetHoveredColor(), Color.RED, 2)

Button Pressed Color

UI_Tween.button_pressed_color(obj, from, to, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.button_pressed_color(obj, obj:GetPressedColor(), Color.RED, 2)

Button Disabled Color

UI_Tween.button_disabled_color(obj, from, to, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.button_disabled_color(obj, obj:GetDisabledColor(), Color.RED, 2)


UI_Tween.color(obj, from, to, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.color(obj, obj:GetColor(), Color.RED, 2)


UI_Tween.fade(obj, from, to, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.fade(obj, 0, .5, 1)

Fade In

UI_Tween.fade_in(obj, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.fade_in(obj, 1)

Fade Out

UI_Tween.fade_out(obj, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.fade_out(obj, 1)

Font Size

UI_Tween.font_size(obj, size, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.font_size(obj, 80, 3)


UI_Tween.move(obj, x_distance, y_distance, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.move(obj, 300, -50, 2)

Move X

UI_Tween.move_x(obj, x_distance, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.move_x(obj, 300, 2)

Move Y

UI_Tween.move_y(obj, y_distance, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.move_y(obj, -100, 2)

Move To

UI_Tween.move_to(obj, start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.move_to(obj, 100, 500, 400, 100, 2)

Move To X

UI_Tween.move_to_x(obj, start_x, end_x, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.move_to_x(obj, 700, -300, 2)

Move To Y

UI_Tween.move_to_y(obj, start_y, end_y, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.move_to_y(obj, 700, -300, 2)


UI_Tween.progress(obj, amount, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.progress(obj, .75, 4, UI_Tween.Out_Bounce)


UI_Tween.pulse(obj, size, duration, count, easing, events)

-- Pulse constantly

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

-- Pulse 5 times with custom size

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.pulse(obj, 50, 1, 5, UI_Tween.Out_Sine)


UI_Tween.punch(obj, size, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")



UI_Tween.rotate(obj, amount, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.rotate(obj, 360, .6)

Rotate Right

UI_Tween.rotate_right(obj, amount, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.rotate_right(obj, 360, .6)

Rotate Left

UI_Tween.rotate_left(obj, amount, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.rotate_left(obj, 360, .6)

Rotate To

UI_Tween.rotate(obj, start_rotation, end_rotation, amount, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.rotate_to(obj, 90, 30, .6)


UI_Tween.scale(obj, width, height, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.scale(obj, 400, 400, 1, UI_Tween.Out_Bounce)

Scale Width

UI_Tween.scale_width(obj, width, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.scale_width(obj, 400, 1, UI_Tween.Out_Bounce)

Scale Height

UI_Tween.scale_height(obj, height, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.scale_height(obj, 400, 1, UI_Tween.Out_Bounce)

Scale To

UI_Tween.scale_to(obj, start_width, end_width, start_height, end_height, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.scale_to(obj, 60, 200, 60, 700, 1, UI_Tween.Out_Bounce)

Scale To Width

UI_Tween.scale_to_width(obj, start_width, end_width, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.scale_to_width(obj, 200, 400, 1, UI_Tween.Out_Bounce)

Scale To Height

UI_Tween.scale_to_height(obj, start_height, end_height, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.scale_to_height(obj, 200, 700, 1, UI_Tween.Out_Bounce)


UI_Tween.shadow(obj, x_offset, y_offset, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.shadow(obj, 10, 10, 1, UI_Tween.In_Out_Circ)

Shadow X

UI_Tween.shadow_x(obj, x_offset, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.shadow_x(obj, 10, 1)

Shadow Y

UI_Tween.shadow_y(obj, y_offset, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.shadow_y(obj, 10, 1)

Slide Right

UI_Tween.slide_right(obj, distance, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.slide_right(obj, 500, 1.2, UI_Tween.Out_Bounce)

Slide Left

UI_Tween.slide_left(obj, distance, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.slide_left(obj, 500, 1.2, UI_Tween.Out_Bounce)

Slide Up

UI_Tween.slide_up(obj, distance, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.slide_up(obj, 200, 1.2)

Slide Down

UI_Tween.slide_down(obj, distance, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.slide_down(obj, 200, 1.2)


UI_Tween.scroll(obj, offset, duration, easing, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.scroll(obj, 600, 5)


UI_Tween.write(obj, text, speed, events)

local obj = script:GetCustomProperty("obj")

UI_Tween.write(obj, "Hello World!")