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The UI Radial Menu component comes with a few properties that allow for easy customisation.

Property Name Description
radius The radius of the radial menu.
key_press The key that players will press to open and close the radial menu.
enabled If true (default) then the radial menu can be opened.
x_offset The X offset (left to right) of the radial menu. Useful if you need to move it away from the player in third person view.
y_offset The Y offset (up to down) of the radial menu.
item_background_color The background color of each item in the radial menu.
close_after_click If enabled, then when players click on an item in the radial menu the menu will automatically close.
animation_item_speed The speed of the menu item in reaching its position.
animation_item_delay The delay of the menu item before it starts the path to its position.